Healing Stones are a wonderful addition to your healthcare regimen, but they should NEVER be used against or in lieu of your Doctor's directions!
Check out our Natural Stone Jewelry for a way to feel and look great!
aka: "Mother of Pearl"
* Chakra: Primary-Third Eye; Secondary-Crown, Heart, Sacral
Improves the skills of communication, cooperation, commitment and compromise; encourages us to "stand in the other person's shoes"
Nurtures those who have survived traumatic experiences, showing them, that like the shell, the tossing & turning of their lives has only made them more beautiful, strong & resilient for it.
Soothes the nerves during times of tough emotional issues
* Healing Properties
Promotes relaxation, relieving stress & anxiety
Helps soothe skin conditions, allergies & rashes
Aids in a gentle weight loss program for men & women at any age
Assists with the relief of fluid retention
Helpful during pre-conception, pregnancy, birth & motherhood
African Queen Jasper
aka: the "Stone of Global Awareness"
* Chakra: Third Eye & Base
Stabilizes & Energizes the physical body
Helps one to become confident in one's own power, which leads to independence & self-reliance
Improves internal communications so thoughts are healthy & vibrant
* Healing Properties
Useful for quitting smoking & helps to reduce cravings
A powerful detoxifier, it protects from environmental pollutants, cleanses the body & boosts the immune system
Aids with issues of the kidneys, stomach, intestines, bowels, prostate, hernias, skin disorders and allergies
During prolonged illness &/or hospitalization, brings renewed strength & vitality
Agate, Brazilian
* Chakra: Third Eye
Balances the four energies: physical, mental, emotional & spiritual
Cleanses & stabilizes the Aura of the wearer
Improves strength, courage, concentration & overall feeling of composure
* Healing Properties
Improves digestion & blood circulation
Helps with bruises, muscle spasms, headaches
Alleviates tension, bitterness, anger & distractions
* Ex 28:19, 39:12
aka: the "Stone of Courage"
* Chakra: soothes all but particularly rejuvenates Heart & Throat
Improves communication skills, especially those concerning love
Helps build courage to stand up for one's beliefs
* Healing Properties
Assists the functioning of the throat passages & thyroid gland
Aids issues of the nervous system & neurological connections
Helps with depression, anxiety, headaches & migraines
Especially good stone to wear when dealing with breast issues
* Ex 28:19, 39:12; Ezek 28:13; Rev 21:20
* Reduces anger & irritability in the home & encourages lazy and/or slovenly children to action and cleanliness
* A powerful stone of motivation & courage, it fills the heart with determination to do good in the world
aka: the "Honey Stone"
or "Petrified Sunlight"
* Chakra: Solar Plexus
Reduces insomnia, improves memory & concentration
Enhances self-esteem & self-respect
Encourages confidence, bravery, inner strength & logic
* Healing Properties
Improves stomach ailments, indigestion, sore throats, inner ear complaints, allergies & short-term memory
Strengthens spine, lungs & central nervous system
Helps relieve depression, anxiety & "21st century stress"
Enhances metabolism & cell regeneration
Guards against electromagnetic "smog" from too many electronic devices & other environmental pollutants
* Ezek 1:4, 27; 8:2
aka: the "Stone of Spirituality & Contentment"
aka: the "Stone of Sobriety"
* Chakra: Third Eye
Deeply enhances understanding of oneself & the world
Sharpens one's intuitive sense
* Healing Properties
Particularly helpful in dealing with addictions
Quite useful in treating disorders of the nervous system, digestive tract, heart, stomach, skin & teeth
Excellent for treating insomnia, headaches & mental disorders
Calms & soothes nerves, swelling & pain
Effective all-around healer for people, animals & plants
* Ex 28:19, 39:12; Rev 21:20
* Chakra: Throat
Improves communication skills
Enhances ability to express one's inner feelings without becoming overly emotional
Boosts creativity & its expression, making it excellent for healers, teachers, trainers, writers, journalists, presenters & performers
* Healing Properties
Promotes relaxation, relieving stress & anxiety
Helps soothe growing pains & teething in young children
Acts as an appetite suppressant & aids in weight loss
Aids with arthritis, joint pain & bone fractures
Strengthens teeth & bones, helps prevent bone thinning
Boosts memory and concentration
aka: the "Courage Stone"
* Chakra: Throat
Promotes peaceful, clear communications
Fosters compassion & tolerance & dispels judgmental attitudes
Stimulates the brain to increase intellect & learning
* Healing Properties
Aids with water retention, swollen glands & swelling
Assists with the maintenance of teeth & with the formative bone structure
Supports healthy eyes & improves vision
Helps to relieve ailments of the neck, throat, vocal chords & speech
Boosts sluggish immune systems
* Ex 28:19, 39:12; Ezek 28:13; Rev 21:20
* Chakra: Sacral
Enhances reliability & practicality; enables one to maintain a level of comfort during times of an overabundance of responsibilities
Combats lethargy, loneliness & sadness
Improves intimacy in relationships
* Healing Properties
Promotes good bone formation & healthy joints
Combats Vitamins A & D deficiencies, as well as Calcium
Strengthens immune system
Protects against nightmares & sleepwalking
Combats chills & brings warmth to extremities
aka: the "Stone of Heaven"
* Chakra: Third Eye
Helpful in relieving worries, phobias & negativity
Strengthens psychic & intuitive abilities & helps one to recognize spiritual guidance when it occurs
Helps one to recognize areas of life that need attention
* Healing Properties
Increases blood oxygen levels & repairs brain cells
Quite useful in treating disorders of the kidneys, gall bladder and thyroid
Alleviates bone & joint problems
Calms & relieves mental stress
Eases sore throats
Banded Agate
aka: the "Earth Rainbow"
* Chakra: Base & Crown
Helps bring balance and stability in all areas of one's life
Encourages clear vision of self, others & situations
* Healing Properties
Aids detoxification of stomach, colon, liver, spleen & kidneys
Helpful for issues of the nervous system & depression
Shields body from adverse side effects of X-Rays & radiation
Improves memory & concentration
* Ex 28:19, 39:12
* Useful for those who are easily hurt, it teaches one to look for solutions instead of dwelling on problems; an excellent stone for adults who suffered through manipulative parents
Black Tourmaline
* Chakra: Base
The most powerful stone to protect & repel negative energies
Increases physical vitality, emotional stability & intellectual acuity
Boosts creativity & ability to remain positive in trying situations
* Healing Properties
Protects against the negative effects of excessive radiation; particularly helpful for those undergoing radiation therapy
Alleviates muscular atrophy, painful inflammation of bones & joints, gout, muscle aches & cramps; helpful for those with MD
Helps the nervous system, including the brain & spinal cord; particularly those that stimulate muscles and body movement
Aids ailments of the kidneys, adrenal glands & heart disorders
Improves skin conditions caused by inflammatory diseases; shingles, skin & facial paralysis, arthritis & cancerous growths
* Chakra: Base, Sacral & Heart
Helps you to feel grounded & balanced in all areas of life
Enhances one's creativity and encourages healthy sexual relationships
Promotes harmony & love in relationships & enhances self-love
* Healing Properties
Cleanses the blood, kidneys, bladder, intestines, liver & bone marrow
Neutralizes & provides for elimination of toxins within the body
Relieves menstrual & menopausal symptoms & helps women to keep up their strength during labor & childbirth
Aids in treatment of failing eyesight, lung congestions & rashes
* Empowers those who are being bullied to stand up for themselves
* Provides support for single parents and caregivers of the elderly
Blue Calcite
* Chakra: Throat & Brow/Third Eye
Provides clear communications even in confrontational situations
Brings soothing rest to those dealing with sorrow and/or loss
Promotes calm, clear thinking about emotional issues and traumas
Aids in connecting with the Spirit Realm & our Higher Power
Helps one to recognize one's truths & speak them with confidence
Stimulates memory & learning; excellent for those studying
* Healing Properties
Deeply soothing, it is excellent for anxiety, stress & depression
Provides for enhanced energy & restful sleep
Eases pain & inflammation in the bones and joints
Stimulates metabolism and strengthens the immune system
Brings stability to irregular heart rhythms & reduces blood pressure
* Origin: found worldwide
Blue Goldstone
* Chakra: Throat
Improves communication skills
Helps build courage to stand up for one's beliefs
* Healing Properties
Helps with migraines and eye ailments such as glaucoma & tunnel vision
Alleviates allergies derived from pet dander or dust
Aids in recovery from surgery or intensive therapies
Helps to energize the body & mind
* A stone for drawing positive attention to oneself
* Helps children overcome fears of the dark
* Leave Blue Goldstone by a window on a starry night to recharge its energy
Blue Howlite
aka: the "Bones of the Earth"
* Chakra: Throat
Helps improve communications; calms confrontations & encourages emotional expression
Diffuses stress and anger
A dream stone; it brings healing through dreams
* Healing Properties
Excellent for bones, teeth & upper part of spine & neck
Helpful with recurring throat & tonsil infections
Useful for balancing calcium levels in the body
* Lessens rudeness & boisterousness; discourages impertinence
* Combines reasoning with observation & patience for discernment
* An attunement stone to aid in opening the mind to receive energies
* Motivates wearer to put thought to action to achieve one's goals
Blue Agate
* Chakra: Throat
Promotes clear communication
Helps one to be open to new experiences
Aids in expressing oneself & standing up for beliefs
* Healing Properties:
Aids elimination problems by promoting the production of the proper range of gastric fluids, strengthens intestines
Helps with bruises, strains, sprains & headaches
Reduces stress & anxiety and combats discouragement
Helps to stabilize heart & pulse rates, increases circulation
Assists thyroid gland issues
* Ex 28:19, 39:12
Blue Lace Agate
aka: the "Stone of the Peacemaker"
* Chakra: Throat
Improves communication skills
Enhances ability to speak the truth & express inner feelings
Provides the ability to smooth "ruffled feathers" & helps establish harmony at family gatherings, meetings & conferences
* Healing Properties:
Relieves sore throats, thyroid problems, headaches & painful or swollen glands in the neck
Calms stress, high blood pressure & stress-related conditions
Enhances skeletal system & mending of breaks & fractures
Helps regulate the developmental process of fingernails & toenails
Aids in eliminating exterior growths (ie: warts, skin tags, moles)
Assists with arthritic conditions & bone deformities
Blue Opal
** Excellent stone for those who are shy or lack confidence **
* Chakra: Throat
Empowers one to speak clearly & confidently in one's beliefs
Connects thoughts & emotions to enable complex problem solving & make the best decisions without feeling overly pressured or stressed
Fills one with creativity, ingenuity, strength, courage & self-esteem to achieve goals in all areas of life including romance & wealth
* Healing Properties:
Relieves stress & anxiety and promotes calming & relaxation
Provides deep restful sleep & clear dreams to help heal old wounds
Soothes eye discomfort and contributes to healing of cataracts
Strengthens the immune system & improves memory
Helps regulate insulin levels & purify the kidneys & blood
Origin: only found in the Andes Mountains, near San Patricio, Peru
Blue Topaz
* Chakra: Throat
Improves communication skills & promotes expression of inner feelings
Augments ability to discuss problems in relationships at home, work & in social situations, bringing clarity & harmony to all environments
Enhances ability to remain "young at heart" despite physical age
* Healing Properties:
Relieves sore throats, inflammation of the throat & nose, enlargement of the thyroid gland and goiter
Protects the larynx, vocal cords, bronchial tubes & esophagus
Aids healing of laryngitis, over-strained vocal cords & dust allergies
Helps with varicose veins & painful knots on ankle & toe joints (ie: gout)
Improves vein health; protects against blood clots & inflammation of the veins & arteries
* Ex 28:19, 39:12; Ezek 28:13; Job 28:19; Rev 21:20
aka: the "Stone of Courtesy"
* Chakra: Third Eye and Solar Plexus
Fosters a spirit of service in oneself & an appreciation of the value of assistance
Brings inner peace, diminishes stress & protects against depression
Helps to overcome the effects of agonizing memories brought on by traumatic physical and/or psychological events
* Healing Properties:
Helps in treatment of cysts, rashes, pimples & eczema
Combats premature aging & dehydration of the skin
Relaxes tense muscles & muscular cramps
Helps balance the body's PH level by increasing the alkaline level
Carnelian (Sardius)
* Chakra: Sacral
Promotes flow of creativity; especially good for those in theatrical pursuits
Fosters confidence & courage by removing doubt & despair
Reminds & reinforces your own inner strengths
* Healing Properties:
Cleanses the blood & kidneys; promotes cell growth
Excellent for ridding oneself of addictions, especially those related to low self-esteem such as eating disorders
Alleviates arthritis & digestive issues
* Ex 28:19, 39:12; Rev 4:3, 21:20
* Acts as a balancer for sensitive children; courage without aggressiveness
* Aids in decision making & all forms of buying & selling
Cats Eye (Chrysoberyl)
aka: the "Sight Stone"
* Chakra: Sacral & Solar Plexus
Enhances the ability to enjoy life
Helps to improve intimacy in relationships
* Healing Properties:
Alleviates pain in aching joints & bones
Improves vision; particularly night vision
Relieves headaches, facial & sciatic pains
Helps to improve flow of lymphatic system
* Very effective protection against negative energy & evil spirits
* Brings happiness, serenity, optimism, generosity & confidence
aka: the "Stone of Orators"
* Chakra: Throat
Alleviates hostility, irritability, & melancholy
Promotes brotherhood & goodwill, instills feelings of benevolence & generosity
Absorbs negative energy: strong protection from nightmares
Promotes clear communications
* Healing Properties:
Increases mental stability & aids with senility & varying forms of dementia
Helps to combat build-up of materials in the veins
Aids problems of the neck, tonsils, & vocal chords
Protects against feverish infections & all types of inflammation
* Rev 21:19
aka: the "Stone of Courage in Exile"
* Chakra: Third Eye & Crown
Promotes being "in the moment" & moving on in life
Sharpens one's sense of intuition
* Healing Properties:
Supports attention span & is helpful for those with Autistic tendencies, ADHD & social and behavioral difficulties
Supports healthy blood pressure, heart, pancreas & liver
Relieves excessive anxiety, promoting better sleep with fewer episodes of sleepwalking/talking
Soothes headaches & migraines
Protects against radiation and skin cancers, & should be carried by those in the medical field with exposure to X-Rays
aka: the "Communication Stone"
* Chakra: Throat
Improves communication skills
Helps men & women to communicate in a clear, loving way
Provides the "right" words to speak when most needed
* Healing Properties:
Assists in the regulation of insulin & to balance blood sugar
Aids in the treatment of blood disorders (ie: Leukemia)
Improves poor lung conditions such as Tuberculosis, Asthma & Emphysema
Helpful for muscle cramps and spasms
* Because its main role is to soothe, calm and inspire, Chrysocolla can improve sensitivity & tolerance, inspiring clever compromises & resolutions, which is why Cleopatra wore it all times
aka: the "Money Stone" or the "Merchant Stone"
* Chakra: Base & Solar Plexus
Elevates optimism & energy to bring you to a place of opportunity, prosperity & abundance
Clears away negative energies to make room for happiness & light, allows you to welcome in the positive possibilities
* Healing Properties:
Quite useful in treating disorders of the nervous system
Stimulates the metabolic processes of the liver, stomach & pancreas
Reduces back pain, eases skin problems & allergies
Helps with depressive illnesses or phobias; drives away darkness and night fears
Clear Quartz
aka: the "Stone of Power"
* Chakra: Primarily Crown, but influences all chakras
Reminds us to focus on what's truly important
Aids in connecting with the Spirit Realm & our Higher Power
Helps one to stop focusing on the negatives in life and develops self-understanding, self-love & self-acceptance
* Healing Properties:
Assists in retaining calmness & clarity in all situations
Provides for enhanced energy & restful sleep
Aids in correcting nervous system disorders
Helps to alleviate vertigo
Useful to relieve depression & symptoms of dementia
A universal healer, it aids auto-immune issues and has been known to assist with diseases such as Parkinson's & MS
* Chakra: All, especially effective on the Heart
Creates feelings of connection
Helps bring balance to all areas of one's life
* Healing Properties:
Increases energy production & slows premature aging
Improves health of connective tissues, hair, & eyes
Regulates heart rhythm & balances thyroid glands
Reduces symptoms of arthritis, rheumatism, stiffness & swelling of the hands and feet
Increases red blood cell formation for quick wound healing and reduces cholesterol
* Copper amplifies the energies of the crystals and conducts their healing properties to where they are needed in the body
Crazy Lace Agate
aka: the "Laughter Stone" or "Happy Lace"
* Chakra: Third Eye
Promotes inner stability, composure & maturity
Encourages security and self-confidence
Powerful protection when ghost hunting or visiting very old places
* Healing Properties:
Improves tissue metabolism, increases elasticity in blood cell walls & prevents varicose veins
Stimulates the digestive system & relieves gastritis
Strengthens the cardiac muscle
Lessens feelings of depression & despair
Combats sleep walking
* Ex 28:19, 39:12
Dalmatian Stone
* Chakra: Base & Sacral
Stabilizes & energizes the physical body
Bolsters confidence, self-reliance & independence
Restores a sense of joy, reawakens humor & fun, dissipates cynicism & skepticism, dissolves negative energy to move you forward in life
* Healing Properties:
Excellent for quitting smoking; helps to reduce cravings & provides determination to succeed
A powerful detoxifier, it boosts the immune system, assists with bowel disorders particularly IBS & constipation, treats skin & allergic rashes
Beneficial to muscles; prevents sprains, strains & muscle spasms
Encourages fidelity & harmony; strengthens family bonds
Helpful to children on all levels; provides restful sleep without nightmares
Aids in overcoming irrational fear of dogs; supports animal training
Dendritic Agate/ Merlinite
aka: The "Stone of Plenitude"
* Chakra: Root
Enhances self-confidence, perseverance & concentration
Associated with abundance, prosperity & growth, not just monetary but in all areas of one's life
Aids in self-analysis to help rid oneself of unproductive behaviors
* Healing Properties:
Helps with ailments of the blood vessels by stimulating the veins & capillaries in the circulatory system
Beneficial to the skeletal system by helping to align vertebra
Aids in fighting disorders of the nervous system; especially helpful to those with neuralgia
* Ex 28:19, 39:12
* Origin: found worldwide
Desert (Polychrome) Jasper
* Chakra: Root
Creates balance in all areas of one's life
Encourages feelings of connection and purpose
* Healing Properties:
Strengthens immune system; purifies the blood and speeds healing
Settles imbalances in the stomach, glands & fluid levels
Eases hernias or ruptures
* Ex 28:20, 39:13; Job 28:18; Ezek 28:13; Rev 4:3, 21:11, 18, 19
* A stone of exuberance, vitality & vibrancy, it inspires awe, rejuvenation, and renewal
* A very healing stone, it helps create a comforting feeling of safety, security & happy thoughts
Desert Rose
* Chakra: Base & Heart
Provides for balance in all areas of life
Aids in releasing pent-up emotions
Promotes positive relationships on all levels
* Healing Properties:
Aids in treatment of viral infections, especially skin issues like warts
Relieves nausea particularly that caused by travel or stress
Calms panic attacks & phobias, especially claustrophobia
* Chakra: Heart
Allows one to view their situation calmly & clearly and motivates one to take the appropriate steps to change it for the better
Eases traumatic emotional pain & moves one toward healing
Helps one to let go of the past, get "unstuck" & move forward
* Healing Properties:
Strengthens bones, teeth & muscle tone
Helpful in detoxifying blood & treating blood disorders
Aids high blood pressure & heart problems, strengthens the heart
Helps to alleviate vertigo, aches & pains & lessens migraines
Stimulates hormone production in older women, eases PMS symptoms, fortifies female reproductive systems
Beneficial for lung disorders & respiratory problems
Origin: somewhat rare it is found primarily Namibia, Kazakhstan & Arizona, USA
Dragon Vein Agate
aka: the "Protection Stone"
* Chakra: Heart & Crown
Promotes creativity, discernment, energy, strength, stamina; encourages honesty
Improves memory & concentration
Prevents insomnia & ensures pleasant dreams
* Healing Properties:
Helps treat disorders of the pancreas
Improves circulation
Balances & cleanses the mind, body & soul
Relieves stress
* Ex 28:19, 39:12
aka: the "Stone of Successful Love", Green Beryl
* Chakra: Heart
Promotes friendship, balance between partners & domestic bliss
Increases memory, mental clarity, and improves one's "6th sense"
Revives passion in all areas of one's life
Assists in letting go of the past and living for the "now"
* Healing Properties:
Especially helpful in aiding recovery from infectious illnesses
Strengthens and promotes a healthy heart and lungs
Promotes healthy eyes and improves eyesight
Helps with allergies, sinusitis and headaches
Useful for those with Rheumatism and Diabetes
Soothes eczema, rashes and skin irritations
* Ex 28:19, 39:12, Ezek 28:13, Rev 21:20
* Origin: Primarily Columbia, Brazil & Zambia, but found worldwide
(Almandine) Garnet
aka: the "Stone of Commitment"
* Chakra: Base, Heart & Crown
Promotes feelings of love & connection to others
Creates a spirit of giving & service
Inhibits disorder & chaos and promotes balance
Connects to higher intellect; especially those in the fields of astrology, astronomy & mathematics
* Healing Properties:
Helps with disorders of the heart & blood
A steady warmer, it heats cold fingers & toes, improves sluggish circulation & relieves rheumatic joints
Aids in relieving the acute pain of gallstones
Strengthens proper functioning of cells & promotes action towards regeneration
Girasol Quartz
aka: Foggy Quartz, Pearl Quartz, Moon Opal, Moon Quartz
* Chakra: Crown and Throat
Empowers thoughtful choices before speaking and/or acting
Encourages one to establish and hold healthy boundaries
Improves communication skills & deepens connections with others
Enhances creativity in the home and in artistic & business pursuits
Promotes healing of emotional wounds like loneliness & sadness
Brings zest back into relationships & energizes pursuits of hobbies
* Healing Properties:
Supports healing processes for diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, and immune system imbalances
Assists with iron assimilation & in addressing hair loss
Stimulates blood circulation and aids with kidney disfunction
Helpful with problems connected to the lymph nodes & eyesight
* Origin: Madagascar
Green Agate
* Chakra: Heart
Promotes communications & understanding
Attracts abundance in wealth & improves self-esteeem
* Healing Properties:
Assists in retaining calmness & clarity in all situations
Aids in healing the chest, heart, & lungs
Anti-inflammatory, cleanses the circulatory system; boosts immune system, anti-viral & anti-bacterial
Helps to balance emotions and regulate daily energy
* Ex 28:19, 39:12
Green Aventurine
aka: the "Prosperity Stone"
* Chakra: Heart
Dissolves negative emotions & thoughts
Promotes emotional healing & love
Improves physical activity & enhances mental perception
* Healing Properties:
Helps treat & stabilize irregular heart rhythms
Aids in balancing blood pressure & settles nausea
Relieves anxiety, panic attacks & aids with Migraine
Improves condition of eyes, skin & hair
* Promotes good fortune & prosperity
* Neutralizes all sources of electromagnetic pollution
Green Fluorite
aka: "A Crystal of the New Age"
* Chakra: Heart & Throat
Improves communication skills, especially those concerning love
Helps transmit knowledge & is a gentle healer that detoxifies and harmonizes the whole system
* Healing Properties:
Brings resistance to disease and assists the absorption of vital nutrients, aiding teeth, bones, blood vessels, lungs and spleen
Beneficial for arthritis, sore throats, ulcers of all kinds, heartburn, indigestion and insomnia
Helps scars to heal, both physical and emotional
Regulates hormonal, anxiety based or stress based conditions
* Restores harmony to people, animals, plants and places
Green Jasper
aka: the "Supreme Nurturer"
* Chakra: Heart & Solar Plexus
Creates joy & friendliness in wearer, enables empathy
Helps one to achieve a deep sense of inner peace
* Healing Properties:
Improves performance of circulatory & immune systems
Aids in correcting disturbances in the digestive & nervous systems and brings calming to both
Extremely helpful during extended illnesses, hospitalizations or times of great energy loss
* Ex 28:20, 39:13; Job 28:18; Ezek 28:13; Rev 4:3, 21:11, 18, 19
* Among the strongest of all protection stones, it is a powerful deflector of negativity & helps bring balance to one's life
Green Tourmaline, Verdelite
* Chakra: one of the most powerful of the HEART chakra stones
Creates a flow of wholesome energy providing courage & strength
Brings invigorating growth to one's emotional self, allowing one to be more expressive and less fearful of change
Healing Properties:
A powerful healer of the heart; it stimulates proper cellular function & regeneration & aids with cancers or other cell growth imbalances
Purifies & strengthens the nervous system
Aids in detoxifying intestines & bowels & can assist with weight loss
Relieves chronic fatigue & exhaustion; particularly that stemming from menopause
As it is quieting to the mind, it soothes claustrophobia, panic attacks, hyperactive children and provides for restful sleep
Origin: primarily Brazil, Namibia, Nigeria, Mozambique, Pakistan & Afghanistan
aka: the "Stone for the Mind"
* Chakra: Base
Provides balance to sexuality, digestive & weight issues
Deepens ones connection to nature
* Healing Properties:
Particularly helpful in dealing with addictions
Useful in treating disorders of the blood & nervous systems
Excellent for treating insomnia & leg cramps
Aids in dispelling heat in the body; draws out fever
* Assists with mental attunement, memory enhancement, mathematical pursuits,
& the development of both mental & manual dexterity
* Conducive to entering a loving relationship; it attracts "kind" love
Indian Agate
* Chakra: Base & Crown
Helps improve all areas of life with balance & stability
Connects one to the wisdom of the Universe, allowing for genuine self-awareness & removal of self-centered behaviors
* Healing Properties:
A body strengthener in times of stress; excellent for convalescing after illness or recovery from addictions
Aids in reducing sensitivity to weather
Reduces the pain of childbirth & assists with delivery
A stone of wealth; it attracts abundance in all areas of life
Enhances mental concentration, persistence & endurance
* Ex 28:19, 39:12
aka: Cordierite, Water Sapphire
* Chakra: Third Eye
Encourages a positive, calm, clear mind during adversities
Aids in understanding & releasing the causes of addiction
Helps one to organize thoughts & communicat clearly & succinctly
Pushes one to take responsibility for one's self & not rely on others for validation
* Healing Properties:
Improves eyesight & aids those who are "directionally challenged"
Deflects electromagnetic waves from tv's, cell phones & computers
Helps with insomnia, nightmares & sleep disorders
Aids in regulating digestion and enhances hair & nail growth
Eases migraines, headaches, disorientation & dizziness
Strengthens nerves; helps with numbness, paralysis & memory loss
Origin: Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, & Myanmar
Jade (Nephrite/Jadeite)
* Chakra: Solar Plexus and Sacral
Enhances ones enjoyment of life
Encourages & stimulates healthy sexual relationships
A wealth stone; it opens the door to the unlimited resources of the universe and assists in attaining self-assuredness, self-reliance and self-sufficiency
* Healing Properties:
Helps balance blood sugars & reduces fluid retention
Aids arthritis & bone or joint pain, especially in the hips
Effective for lung, eye, bladder & kidney problems
* Inspires wisdom during problem assessment; helps to recognize & care for those
things of prime importance to well-being
* Induces cohesiveness in families & improves dysfunctional relationships
Kambaba Jasper
aka: Crocodile Jasper,
Green Stromatolite Jasper
* Chakra: Root & Heart
Dispels worry & negativity; promotes tranquility & serenity
Strengthens our connection to the earth & its animals & people
Enhances endurance, stamina, patience & powers of observation
* Healing Properties:
Supports the digestive system & assimilation of vitamins & minerals
Helps cleanse the body of toxins & improves conditions of hair, skin and nails
Aids the body in areas of essential growth & renewal, boosting the immune system, cellular growth and DNA
> Stromatolites are fossilized Algae & are the oldest known fossils on earth. Kambaba Jaspers are thought to be up to 3.8 billion years old.
Origin: Madagascar & South Africa
* Chakra: Third Eye & Throat
Enhances ability to communicate & learn languages
Promotes relaxation and improves concentration
Strengthens ability to persevere in the most trying situations
* Healing Properties:
Aids in disorders of the muscular system, urinary & genital tracts, adrenal glands, throat, parathyroid glands & brain
Ameliorates symptoms of disorders that start in the brain; hearing, eyesight & sense of smell
Strong protection for the esophagus, larynx & vocal cords & brain damage caused by infection or lack of oxygen
Protects against sore throats, tonsillitis & goiter
Enhances healthy cell development for all ages
* Does NOT absorb/retain negative energy; never needs cleansing
aka: the "Stone of Creativity"
*Chakra: Crown
Reduces insecurity, anxiety and stress
Promotes mental sharpness, intuition & intellect
* Healing Properties:
Effective in alleviating problems of the bones & spinal column
Beneficial for Rheumatism & Arthritis, joint wear & tear
Aids in treatment of brain disorders; stimulates mental acuity
Strengthens immune system & repairs the aura
Helpful for improving vision, particularly night vision
Counters stress & psychological over-dependence whether of people, medicine, food, alcohol or tobacco
* It helps to develop imagination, creativity & a sense of humor, particularly in children
Lapis Lazuli
* Chakra: Third Eye and Throat
Enhances foresight & intuition
Helps to improve ability to express yourself & stand up for one's beliefs
* Healing Properties:
Helps balance functioning of thyroid gland
Strengthens the neck & vocal chords
Aids in lowering high blood pressure
Calms nervous system & anxiety
Relieves symptoms of headaches & skin disorders
Especially helpful for children with Autism & Aspergers Syndrome
* Known during biblical times as Sapphire (modern Sapphire wasn't discovered until late in the Roman Empire)
* Ex 24:10, 28:18, 39:11; Job 28:6,16; So 5:14; Isa 54:11; Ezek 1:26, 10:1, 28:13; Rev 21:20
*Recharge Lapis Lazuli by placing outside on a clear starlit night
aka: the "Atlantis Stone"
* Chakra: Throat
Promotes clear and open communication
Enhances ability to express one's inner feelings without becoming overly emotional
Creates a calm atmosphere in a place with strong personalities
Breaks old thought patterns, frees & opens up new ways of thinking and acting
* Healing Properties:
Promotes relaxation, relieving stress & anxiety
Helps develop and maintain strong bones
Assists with chemical imbalances, personality disorders & addictions
Aids with arthritis, joint pain, sciatic complaints, & lumbago
Strengthens immune system and provides relief against allergies
aka: "Norwegian Moonstone" or "Black Moonstone"
* Chakra: Base
Creates feelings of connection to the earth and others
Helps one to focus their mind
Stimulates creativity, increases intellect, and deepens wisdom
* Healing Properties:
Calms the nerves, regulates blood pressure, and aids in recovery from heart attacks and strokes
Helps improve brain function and memory
Eases skin problems and disorders
Enhances youthful glow of skin and physical vitality
Aids in cleansing the body by the removal of toxins and negative energy
Lava Stone (Basalt)
aka: the "Stone of the Four Elements"
* Chakra: Base
Provides stability in life & helps to navigate through life's changes
Fosters strength & courage, & is useful in dissipating anger
Assists in diminishing the negative aspects on one's character & promotes positive modifications of one's behavior
* Healing Properties:
Good for chronic skin conditions, rashes & allergies of all kinds
Hold stone during labor & delivery to ease the pain of childbirth
Relieves cramps throughout the body, especially menstrual cramps
Use lava stone as a diffuser of essential oils on your person or in your environment
* This stone is extremely powerful and is not for use on animals or young children
Leopard (skin) Jasper
aka: the "Physical Healer"
* Chakra: Heart, Sacral, Base & Solar Plexus
Heart for emotional healing & love
Sacral chakra improves creativity
Root for grounding & improving balance in all areas of life
Solar Plexus for increased will power
* Healing Properties:
Detoxifies liver, gallbladder & bladder, improves body odors
Reduces stress, tension, & abdominal pains
Can relieve hiccups & nausea
Brings emotional balance, calms body & mind, promotes creativity
* Ex 28:20, 39:13; Job 28:18; Ezek 28:13; Rev 4:3, 21:11, 18, 19
aka: the "Peace Stone"
* Chakra: Crown, Third Eye
Deeply enhances understanding of oneself & the world
Sharpens one's intuitive sense
* Healing Properties:
Particularly helpful in dealing with addictions to anti-depressants, tranquilizers, alcohol, tobacco & food
Assists in treating tension & stress related disorders; promotes relaxation of tendonitis, leg cramps, tight shoulder muscles and elimination
Stabilizes blood flow & calms the heart
Calms & soothes nerves, reduces pain
Helpful for mental disorders such as Alzheimer's & dementia & other degenerative conditions
* Chakra: Crown, Third Eye & Heart
Promotes self-understanding, self-esteem & self-love
Helps one to be more honest with themselves and others
Magnifies positive energies in your environment while keeping negative energies at bay
Provides clarity about ones goals & how to achieve them, then boosts confidence & provides energy & motivation to make them a reality
* Healing Properties:
Helpful for muscle spasms; it is a muscle relaxer & antispasmodic
Provides relief for overly sensitive skin & the symptoms of PMS
A strong detoxifier; it aids with bad breath & body odor
Assists with constipation, headaches & migraines
Origin: found worldwide with primary deposits in Austria, China & Nevada, USA
Mahogany Obsidian
aka: Red Obsidian, Mountain Mahogany
* Chakra: Primarily Root/Base, but also Sacral & Solar Plexus
Gives strength, particularly to stand behind one's convictions
Cleanses and "reactivates" one's emotions
Provides inspiration and drives creativity
Helps one to release inner doubts & fears and push through to bring thoughts & dreams to fruition and improve personal growth
* Healing Properties:
Strengthens kidneys, liver & all lower-body organs
Aids with water retention and stiffness in muscles & joints
Helps to relieve pain & improves circulation
Useful to relieve depression & for those suffering from addiction
Increases sexuality & sensuality (particularly if both partners are wearing it); can also improve symptoms of ED
Origin: anywhere volcanic activities occur, particularly Mexico, Japan & the USA
aka: the "Stone of the Heart"
* Chakra: all, especially effective on the Heart
Promotes communications & understanding
Helps you to see the beauty in everyone and everything, leading to a state of harmony, kindness, gentleness, and peace
* Healing Properties:
Reduces sensitivity to weather & environmental pollutants
Good for immune system, heart, lungs, pancreas, spleen, pituitary gland, eyesight and teeth
Helps asthma, epilepsy, tumors, arthritis, rheumatism, inflammation and swelling, bone fractures, and torn muscles
Aids in tissue regeneration, physical balance, endurance and detoxing
Mookaite Jasper
aka: Mook Jasper, Mookalite
* Chakra: Primarily Solar Plexus, but depending on color can also interact with the Base/Root, Heart & Brow/Third Eye Chakras
Strengthens willpower, self-confidence & self-discipline
Encourages inner flexibility; accept change & to go with the flow
Yellow Mookaite evokes a sense of optimism & positivity particularly in relationships; invites new relationships to begin
Red Mookaite promotes excitement & vitality, highly motivational
An extremely protective crystal, it can help you to sense danger
* Healing Properties:
Boosts energy & promotes vitality of the immune system
Widely believed to inhibit the aging process & promote youthfulness
Balances fluids & minerals in the body & soothes digestive system
* Origin: Mooka Station/Mooka River located near the Kennedy Ranges in
Western Australia. "Mooka" is an Aboriginal word meaning "running water"
aka: the "Woman's Stone"
* Chakra: Sacral
Brings meaning to life; enhances enjoyment of life
Encourages & stimulates healthy sexual relationships
* Healing Properties:
Balances all body fluids; blood, lymph, sweat, digestive juices, urine, sperm & tears
Promotes a natural & strong hormonal balance in women
Alleviates menstrual pains, menopausal & thyroid issues
Encourages fertility & provides for easy pregnancy & delivery
* Diminishes anxiety, particularly about the future
* Encourages "zest for life" & a youthful attitude, even in old age
Moss Agate
aka: the "Gardener's Stone"
* Chakra: Heart
Promotes communications, self-expression, & understanding
A stone of new beginnings; attracts abundance in wealth & improves self-esteem
* Healing Properties:
Reduces sensitivity to weather & environmental pollutants
Gradual cleanser promoting growth of healthy cells & tissue within the body, aids in preventing colds & flu
Anti-inflammatory, cleanses the circulatory & elimination systems; boosts immune system, anti-viral & anti-bacterial
Helpful for those wanting to free themselves from long-established ways of life & dependencies such as addiction
* Ex 28:19, 39:12
* Associated with plant growth
* Chakra: Base
Protective & grounding; helps to provide stability in life
Disperses negative thoughts about one's body & helps one to be comfortable in their own skin
Boosts intuition & creativity
* Healing Properties
Reduces tension & helps to alleviate pain especially in the legs, feet & lower back
Improves circulation, accelerates healing & is good for those who suffer from cold hands & feet
Treats trauma, shock & anxiety attacks
Aids in ailments of the stomach & improves digestion
* Helps to console a traumatized or grieving child
* Alleviates night terrors & fear of the dark
Ocean Jasper
aka: the "Emotional Healer"
* Chakra: unblocks:
Throat for improved communications
Solar Plexus for increased will power
Heart for emotional healing & love
* Healing Properties:
Assists lymphatic system, eliminates toxins
Promotes deep cellular repair
Aids the digestive system, reduces bloating & PMS
Aids in healing of eczema, skin, gum infections & tumors
* Ex 28:20, 39:13; Job 28:18; Ezek 28:13; Rev 4:3, 21:11, 18, 19
* Found only in Madagascar; it empowers the wearer with self-confidence, self-esteem & self-worth
* Encourages positivity, alleviates stress, anxiety & depression
* Chakra: Base
Absorbs sorrow & transforms negative energy to prevent the drain of personal energy
Aids in development of emotional & physical strength during times of stress, confusion &/or grief
Fosters wise decision making; encourages happiness
* Healing Properties:
Excellent for all problems of the ear, especially inner ear, balance, sensory & motor mechanisms in the body
Protects those working in chemical & high emission jobs
Works with adrenal glands, aids in blood & cell building
* Gen 2:12; Ex 28:20; Job 28:16; Ezek 28:13
* Aids in concentration for those who are easily distracted
* Helps one absorb from the Universe the energies that are needed
* Promotes recognition of inner strength; Master your own destiny
(a combination of Dolomite and metal)
* Chakra: Third Eye
Boosts sense of self-worth & unleashes inner strength
Stabilizes mood swings & clears blockages in all chakras
Encourages fidelity in relationships
* Healing Properties:
Soothing to the heart & can help stabilize an irregular heartbeat
Supports healthy lungs & oxygenation of the body
Excellent for insomnia or those who suffer from nightmares
Energizes to help overcome fatigue & exhaustion
Stimulates the libido & sexual prowess
Soothes the symptoms of depression & helps to heal relationship problems
Orange Calcite
* Chakra: Sacral
Brings calmness & reduces feelings of aggression
Balances sexuality and enhances vitality
Promotes inspiration & creativity
* Healing Properties:
Helps to alleviate stress related-symptoms, especially those associated with digestive disorders such as IBS
Aids in healing psychological scars from sexual attack or abuse
The best stone for a gall bladder attack; it also helps with gall stones, liver and spleen problems
Promotes healthy bone strength & growth
aka: the "Stone of Sincerity"
* Chakra: Throat & Sacral
Improves communications, enables one to stand up for beliefs
Makes one more open to new experiences
Encourages & stimulates healthy sexual relationships
* Healing Properties:
Alleviates chronic headaches & migraines
Reduces allergies and allergic reactions
Enables hormonal cycles to find their natural levels
Eases mental overload
* Matt 13:46; Rev 21:21
* Encourages truth & loyalty; inhibits poor behaviors in that it allows one to see
oneself as they are perceived by others
* Chakra: Heart
Reduces egotism, jealousy & anger
Helps break negative cycles; particularly alcoholism/addictions
Aids with lethargy & laziness to defeat depression & anxiety
* Healing Properties:
Strengthens the heart, thymus gland & lungs
Reduces high blood pressure, aids chest & lung problems
Aids health of circulatory & immune systems
Reduces acne & eczema; promotes healthy, radiant skin
Strengthens hair & eyesight (astigmatism & near-sightedness)
Prevents viruses, particularly herpes from entering the body
Ameliorates symptoms of Chicken Pox & Shingles
Facilitator of the birthing process; stimulates contractions & opening of the birth canal
* Rev 21:19, 20
Petrified Wood
* Chakra: Root/Base and Brow/Third Eye
Helps one to sort out what's truly important & what's not
Provides an increased sense of awareness & determination
Fills one with feelings of security, stability & well-being even during times of high stress & anxiety
Encourages one to stop obsessing about things you cannot control & accept things as they are; don't sweat the small stuff
Aids in accessing information hidden deep in our memories
* Healing Properties:
Amplifies the body's ability to regenerate & rejuvenate
Balances the liver & gallbladder
Assists in the cleansing of the blood & liver
Facilitates proper blood cell manufacture in the bone marrow
Origin: found worldwide
aka: the "Tempest Stone"
* Chakra: Sacral, Solar Plexus and Brow/Third Eye
Increases resolve & will power: excellent for dealing with addictions
Boosts self-esteem; especially powerful for creative people
Helps one to see themselves clearly, come to terms with issues & let them go, then establish a new, clear & positive path for the future
Calms people and animals who are fearful during bad weather
* Healing Properties:
Protects & shields one from the adverse effects of technology
Stimulates & strengthens the nerves & brain; excellent for those dealing with neurological disorders such as MS & Parkinson's
Aids pituitary gland in balancing endocrine system to produce hormones governing metabolism, blood pressure & body temperature
Eases eye infections & can improve night & long-distance vision
* Origin: Kuraman, Namibia & Xichuan, Henan Province China
Pink Agate
* Chakra: Heart
Soothes anger & negative energy; helps us to move from a defensive state to a calming & positive one
Promotes inner stability, composure & maturity
Encourages feelings of security & self-confidence
Helpful to rid new mothers of the "Baby Blues" and can aid in lactation
* Healing Properties:
Stimulates the digestive system; relieves gastritis
Aids in heart functions & circulation
Helps to ease skin disorders & itching due to bug bites
Beneficial for the eyes, stomach, intestines & uterus
* Ex 28:19, 39:12
Pink Opal
aka: the "Stone of Spiritual Awakening"
* Chakra: Heart
Strengthens individuality, teaches us to be happy by ourselves
Helps release shyness, anxieties & fears that hold one back
Aids in connecting with the Spirit Realm & particularly with our Guardian Angels